Simple Steps To Head Lice Removal

By Frances Keith

Most school-age children catch nits at some point because young children often have their hair touching when they are playing enabling the insects to crawl from one child to another. Infestations can quickly spread through groups of friends, classmates and families. It's therefore essential to know how to carry out head lice removal.

Removal can sometimes seem difficult because if a child's hair comes into contact with somebody who has not been treated, new pests can crawl onto it. It would also appear that these insects may be becoming resistant to the chemical composition of some lotions. There are solutions to these problems, however.

Infestations should be taken care of quickly, as left untreated, even one louse will multiply. There are various lotions available to treat this problem. Scientists believe that lice will not become resistant to the newer lotions because instead of relying on insecticides, modern lotions contain silicones and oils, which physically affect the insects making them unable to breathe.

It is important to check with a health-care professional before treating a baby, pregnant woman, someone with asthma, eczema, or allergies, or cuts or scratches to the head, with a medicated lotion because some lotions may not be suitable in these cases.

Different lotions come with different instructions, which need close attention, as for example, the lotion may not work if left on for the wrong period of time. Some lotions should be left on the head for several minutes but others need to be left up to eight hours to work. Often, lotions need to be applied again after a week, but some of the newest lotions have a one-off application.

Tying back long hair and putting Afro hair in braids can help prevent re-infestation, as can washing bedding and clothes that have come into contact with the head. Everybody in a family needs treatment, and friends at school and out of school should be told so that their hair can be treated if necessary. Some schools will send out a letter asking parents to check their child's hair if a classmate has this problem, which is a great way to prevent re-infestation.

If people do not wish to use medicated lotions for any reason, fine-toothed combs can be purchased which are fine enough to catch these creatures when ran through hair. After washing and rinsing, plenty of conditioner should be applied to the hair, which then needs to be combed thoroughly section by section, taking care not to miss any area. The comb needs to be checked after every single stroke by either rinsing in warm water or wiping with a tissue, thereby removing any lice. This must be repeated every second or third day until no insects are discovered because a one-off combing will not be sufficient. Unfortunately, this means that this method can take some time, especially if there is lots of long, wiry or easily tangled hair to comb.

Catching nits is very common and it can be itchy, uncomfortable and embarrassing. If not dealt with promptly, they can multiply quite quickly making them more difficult to remove, so it's important to know how to deal with head lice removal in order to act quickly if the need arises.

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