How to Get in Shape Fast

Yes, it is possible to get in shape fast if you follow the right program. But even with the best training advice on earth there's one extra thing needed that only you can provide - Commitment! Without the will to actually get out and do something your desire to get in shape fast will fizzle out just as quickly.
OK, so you are really committed to changing your lifestyle and getting in shape. If you are prepared to make some simple changes you'll see (and feel) the results in just a few weeks. Before you embark on any serious diet and exercise program however, it's always a good idea to check with your physician first.

Here are the key points of any good get in shape program.

Eat A Balanced Diet

This means eating some of the main food groups at each meal:

- Whole grains
- Fruit and vegetables
- Meats, fish and other sources of protein
- Fats, unsaturated as much as possible
The secret to getting in shape is how much to eat of each one. Your portion size should be modest but you don't have to starve by any means.
Try to follow these guidelines for the calories you consume:
- 45% to 50% of calories from carbohydrates
- 30% to 35% of calories from protein
- 15% to 20% of calories from fat (mostly unsaturated)

Now depending on your current weight you may have to cut back on some of the whole grain carbs (like bread and pasta) at first, but you can fill up on fruit and vegetables. It is also important to have three meals a day - no skipping breakfast! Change your snacking habits to include things like fresh fruit. An apple for instance can be very filling.

If you want to see results fast you have to exercise. First it's a great way to burn off calories, and you must burn more than you take in if you want to lose weight. Secondly it's good for your body! Your heart and lungs will appreciate it and after a few weeks you will feel more alive and energetic.

There are two types of exercise to follow:

1. Aerobic like walking, jogging or cycling. In this form of exercise you gradually work off the calories you have consumed. This is an excellent type of workout for the heart.

2. Strength training, usually at a gym. This is great for burning fat as your exercise is more intense than the aerobic kind. Don't forget to include abdominal exercise to firm up that mid-section!
Now you won't be getting much time off, since you'll be exercising most days, alternating aerobic and strength training. Try and take one day each week as a rest day though.

Other Get In Shape Factors
- Drink less alcohol
- Get enough sleep (your body will need more sleep as your exercise level increases)
- Reduce stress - not always easy to do, but if you consciously try to avoid stressful confrontations this will help.
- Cut out the high calorie / high fat snacks and fast foods like donuts and burgers


If you have read my article to this point you're probably thinking: what a lot of effort! This is where the Commitment comes in, if you are truly serious about wanting to get in shape fast.
You can find more information on the key points mentioned in the article from the links in the author bio below.

Mike is a fitness enthusiast and a runner for over twenty years. He is co-author of the book 'Marathon Training Tips'. Mike writes regularly for the website Get In Shape. You can also find some good diet tips on this site at Making Your Calories Count.

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