A Guide On Different Classifications Of Eye Doctors

By Ines Brennan

An Eye care professional is someone who is responsible for providing eye related medical attention and services. It is also a very broad term that encompasses several mini types, each with its own benefits and uses. Looking for a suitable eye doctor San Antonio practice can be quite simple as long as you are aware of the differences between them.

One of these types is called an Ophthalmologist. They are surgeons who are classified as a Doctor of Medicine and as a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine as well. To achieve this career, four years of college is required followed by four years of medical school. After that, you would need a general internship of one year and residency of three years. Aside from being a qualified MD and surgeon, they also perform all the tests optometrists do.

Someone who is a MD but has yet to finish a certain specialization in ophthalmology is known as an ophthalmic medical practitioner. Treating optical disorders and diseases is part of their work along with vision correction. They are also capable of laser eye surgery provided they have the proper permission to do so.

Orthoptists specializes in the management of eye movements and the diagnosis of coordination problems, misalignment of the visual axis and many more. They can assist ophthalmologists in surgery, teach students, perform low vision assessments and much, much more. In several countries, orthoptics is being offered as a Masters degree.

An Ocularist specializes in fabricating and fitting ocular prosthese for people with missing eyes due to either illness or trauma. Opticians are trained in the fitting and fabrication of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses, low vision aids, spectacles and other ocular prosthetics. They are also called optical dispensers.

And lastly, a Ophthalmic Medical Personnel is a collective term for all allied health personnel within ophthalmology. Their main job description is to mainly assist an orthoptist or an ophthalmologist. The training to become one usually combines with a two to three year applied science degree. The term ophthalmic medical personnel is also used often to refer to specialized personnel.

The benefits of all these specializations are vast. Be sure to take note of them all because you never know when you might need any one of them. In the event of an emergency, it would not be a huge hassle to find a good practitioner to aid you. It can be as simple as breaking a pair of glasses or losing and needing to replace contact lenses. You never know when you might need optical help.

Even with the knowledge of the proper type to approach, there is still the matter of looking for an individual practice. Maybe a recommendation or two from other valid practitioners will do, such as your own personal physician. This can be of big help, because not only are they aware of your personal health needs, but they might also know reputable ones that will not disappoint. Family and friends can also help narrow down the search.

Websites of certain medical organizations can also be of use. They should have a list of eye doctor San Antonio clinics that you can look at. Choose the best one for your needs and you are good to go.

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