Why Building Muscle Is Easier Than You Think

By Russ Howe

Every day at work as a Personal Trainer I come across guys who want to know how to build more muscle but are so confused at the conflicting advice in the fitness industry that they literally don't know which way to turn for results. This affects both gym newcomers and seasoned veterans.

Now we're going to end this nonsense and nail down the basic, proven rules.

Before you start you need to work out your overall goal. Do you want to lose body fat or do you want to focus on size and strength? Most guys want to have both benefits but we'll explain today why you need to make a choice so you don't get stuck in that awful middle ground where you don't fully commit to either and, as a result, don't get the results of either.

The fact is this goal makes it harder for you to succeed. If you're not used to training you may find that you get the best of both worlds for the first month or so but after your body adapts to your new training lifestyle those results slow down. You need to make a choice.

Why? Because you cannot do both at the same time long-term. The general rule is that in order to build you need to work at a calorie surplus, whereas to cut you need to operate at a calorie deficit. So doing both becomes somewhat impossible, you see?

Of course, if you are an athlete with a quality sports nutrition program and a lifetime devoted purely to your fitness you can structure a plan to achieve both simultaneously. But for most of us, who go to the gym to get fit and also have busy jobs and family lives, that is unrealistic.

Decide what you wish to focus on, set your diet to that goal accordingly and then you are truly ready to begin. Net we need to structure your workout program. We will show you:

* What type of exercises should you do?

* How many days per week should you use the gym?

* How many reps and sets are optimal?

The best way to add size is to go back to basics with the iron. When you hit the weights keep the focus on big, proven, compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats and pull ups. These movements are proven to help you pack on the most size and strength in the quickest possible time. Don't spend needless hours working tiny muscle groups.

Another common mistake is to train too often. When you're trying to build there is a great need for rest. Training no more than four days per week is best, and you should also be splitting each day to hit a different muscle group than the one before. You may wish to train every day once you begin enjoying the buzz from working out, but this leads nowhere. Rest days are in fact growth days.

People get lost, however, when it comes to the number of reps. For hypertrophy (muscle growth) the optimal number of repetitions is 8-12. Once you can push beyond twelve reps you need to increase the resistance. If you fall below eight reps it's too heavy. That easy system, combine with it's focus on progression, will keep you on the straight and narrow.

Now you know the basic rules of how to build muscle in the gym, we recommend you take some time to apply the tips to your own individual routine and you will be amazed at the results you can achieve!

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