Stop Being Broke And Change Your Future For A Secure Life

By Nickolas Anderson

Did you ever wonder how you can stop being broke and change your future? No matter how hard and long I worked, I still had more bills than money to pay them. I thought I should manage my money better and make sure not to waste it. Maybe that would help. Rather than throwing away the three to five pennies per bottle or can, I decided to be kind to the environment and commit myself to recycling.

The first order of business was to get containers for the cans and bottles that I would collect. Three trash cans and some plastic liners came to $65.58. But I forged on, sure that I would regain the initial expense after a few visits to the recycling center. My first attempt ended in frustration. The Website said the center was open until 4:00 pm, but when I arrived there at 1:15 pm, a paper sign said it closed at 1:00 pm. Totally annoyed, I drove off to get to work in time.

I took my break time to hopefully recycle my collection. The center was in an industrial part of town and difficult to find. When I get there, the driveway was blocked with orange pylons. Determined, I parked my car and waved down a man outside the building. He said, "Sorry lady, we don't have any money today, so we had to close early." Swell! By this time, my car is starting to smell like stale beer. I've spent money, time and gas with zero return.

I was just about at the end of my rope, when my cell phone rang. My friend called to share his excitement about something called Vemma. They have several product lines, with one product line designed to help lose weight. A decrease in appetite and an increase in energy sounded pretty good to me, so I decided to buy some product.

With social network marketing I was easily able to make enough to cover the cost of my product. Four weeks and two pant sizes later, friends started asking me how I did it. When I told them about Vemma, three friends couldn't wait to order their own supply followed by a monthly shipment. We kept tweeting each other about how Vemma was helping us get into shape. It was not long, and the news about the products spread.

Six months later, I have two types of dependable income-residual and active. My first three customers started selling Vemma products, and I continued to get new customers myself. I look and feel better than I have in years. When people ask me how I do it, I tell them about the products. Almost everyone is eager to get the products and get started.

Residual income is like money multiplying itself, without putting in a 12-hour work day. The money just flows in, making life much easier. I have a full time career with Vemma now, and I never look back.

It is great! You can stop being broke and change your future. You can even be wealthy without working long hours every day. Vemma makes it easy to get started, without membership fees or start up costs, there is nothing in your way. I have plenty of money now, and so much spare time that I opened my own recycling center.

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