The Simple Guide To The Sylvester Stallone Expendables Workout

By Russ Howe

Over the last few years, the Sylvester Stallone Expendables workout has been one of the most requested items in the health and fitness industry. There's a lot of people out there who like to train with the same workout plan as their favorite celebrity and this type of query is now right up there with questions such as "Which whey protein should I use?"

Today you'll get a complete step-by-step guide showing every exercise in the workout. It'll also explain how many sets and reps are required from each exercise. []

Today's workout is going to work your arms. It will cover the three main areas and will be split into sections designed specifically to hit the front of your arm, the back of your arm and your lower arm. Your biceps are the first phase.

We start here with 12 chin ups. Then we go for 20 repetitions of biceps curls using an EZ-Bar, once that is done you immediately transition to a wide grip on the same bar and force out an addition 6-8 reps. From here, we move into hammer curls with an incline bench for 12 reps in total.

By now your biceps will be starting to burn but the work has only just begun, as we move into two lesser known exercises. First up is the high cable curl, which involves lying on a bench and curling a high pulley down towards your forehead for 12 repetitions. The biceps section is then wrapped up in style with a bout of zottman curls. You'll be performing 10-12 on each arm here, focusing on the flick of the wrist at the top of each move which will bring your forearms into play ahead of the next phase.

Phase 2 lets your biceps rest up as we move down the arm to your forearm. We'll be using time-tested, battle-proven techniques here to sculpt an area of the body which most people neglect to train at all. Try forcing out 20 wrist curls, immediately followed by the same number of reps with a reverse grip. This is then backed up with 30 handshake curls and nicely finished by a timed hang to failure.

Phase three involves five textbook triceps exercises which combine to form a great circuit. Number one is an explosive close-grip bench press, focusing on letting the bar temporarily leave your hands at the top of every single rep. After lifting the bar 12-15 times, move onto triceps dips to failure. Third in this phase is a lying triceps extension which will really allow you to dig deep and develop the muscle considerably. After 12 reps, progress back to dips and then finish off this phase with 12 rope push-downs.

While you may already be familiar with the majority of the exercises in today's program, the style of the workout will take many by surprise. Sly doesn't perform regular sets, he moves through the entire section as a circuit, going from one exercise to the next without rest. He'll perform four rounds of phase one before moving onto phase two, and so on.

For those who have time, the plank position and a set of close-grip push-ups are usually used as a wrapping up phase after the main body of work has been completed.

If you want to try the Sylvester Stallone Expendables workout be sure to prepare yourself for a tough session. The minimal rest stipulation tends to catch many gym users off guard so be sure to warm up fully before trying something as intense as this workout.

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