Quicktrim Reviews Pros And Cons Of Quicktrim.

By Riannon Eisenman

It seems that everywhere you turn, there's a new weight loss product or supplement promoted with extensive promises of quick and close to effortless weight loss. One of these product lines is Quick Trim, a 4 product line run by GNC, one of the most reputable supplement companies in the world..

The 4 products in the QuickTrim line feature a gel to combat cellulite, tablets to help boost metabolism, curb cravings, and burn more energy, as well as a cleansing formula designed to help you purify your body.

Celluslim - A gel that you need to rub into your cellulite trouble spots. The gel is supposed to help you reduce cellulite.

Quick Trim Fast Cleanse - This supplement is to be taken at the beginning of your weight loss process to produce a 48 hour cleanse.

Let's go over the pros and cons of this product. Pros: This product is sold by GNC which is a highly reputable global company with many branches, products, and is considered one of the giants of the supplement market.

Expect some nasty side effects during this cleanse like frequent visits to the restroom, nausea, and potential discharges of the kind that you don't really want to experience.

The products are easy to get. You either order them online or get them at one of GNC's stores worldwide.

Cons: As with any supplement, the QuickTrim site states that the products and claims have not been evaluated by the FDA.

There is no doubt that GNC is a fine company known for producing high quality products for athletes and regular fitness conscious people as well.

However, there is an inherent problem is using any kind of supplement to achieve a long term weight loss: supplements do not encourage a lifestyle change.

At the moment, when you look at user reviews on the GNC website, it seems that more than half of them have negative things to say about these products than good. You do need to give GNC credit for letting people post their reviews freely on their site.

I am of the opinion that you need to change what you eat, how you eat, and become more active to really lose body fat and become healthy.

Therefore, you're welcome to try this product out but make sure to watch what you eat and workout as well.

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