Solving The Mystery Of Our Subconscious Mind

By Wendy G. Ostrander

Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological tool that you can use that alters your dominant brainwave frequency, unlocking the door that stands between your conscious, logical mind and your emotional, subconscious mind.The subconscious mind creates your reality, sending you a template that guides you on how to react to the events of your life. This blueprint was created very early in your life when everything about living was fear-based. Your emotions, your wounds, your misconceptions were all recorded, imprinted physically in the brain's grey matter and deemed true.

Some of the greatest ideas used to create the modern technological advancements people enjoy today, were harnessed from the subconscious mind. This is quite a richly endowed part of the brain. A good number of the world's most enlightened people, have learned how to use this area to come up with skills, inspiration and ideas, which have been used to transform many lives. Since the subconscious mind is responsible for dreams, solving the mystery behind it includes tackling the issue of dreams. Great ideas, visions and skills have been borne out of dreams.

The subconscious mind, an integral part of subliminal technology, has tremendous powers and abilities. Many people from all corners of the world have encountered miracles in their lives as a result of the subconscious. It's a fact that for some people, all it takes for them to achieve success in different areas is to take advantage of the subconscious. It is imperative to work with this part of one's mind as an ally. This portion has been described as the second mind and is extremely powerful. It should not be viewed as a figment of imagination. It is not an abstract concept to be ignored.

The subconscious mind is responsible for the attraction of certain conditions in our lives. It does this by pulling into our lives what we predominantly think about. Secondly, it can act upon any set of instructions given to it. It has no limitations but operates only based on what one feeds it. Its main food is what resides within it in terms of what we think about the most. This part of the mind works closely with the conscious portion to create conditions in life, which determine how much success or failure one will have, depending on the predominant thoughts.

In solving the mystery of the subconscious mind, it is imperative to realize that all the thoughts or beliefs allowed into it will be manifested in life. You cannot escape from this fact of life. If you note anything manifesting in your life, even if you did not deliberately plan for it, look at what has been fed to the subconscious. This means that there is a need to be diligent in making sure that all our thoughts are monitored and directed to that which is beneficial to the mind. What benefits the mind, will most likely benefit our lives and help us achieve success in various areas.

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