What Can Omega-3 Do For Me?

By Jean Kelly

In fact, recent polls show that omega-3 supplements are now the first supplement choice of most Americans, with multivitamins in second place. The benefit of taking omega-3 supplements are numerous and are supported by a large body of scientific research. Several prominent organizations like the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization have affirmed these benefits, especially for promoting heart health.

Always take your supplements with food, because eating stimulates blood flow in your digestive system. Increased blood flow improves the absorption of the nutrients from your supplements.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) DHA is the most highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid found in nature. DHA is critical for developing and maintaining the brain and eyes of the fetus, infant, child, and adult. DHA is an important building block of the brain, nerves, and eyes. It is found in 40-50% of brain lipid material and 60% of retinal material.

DHA supports normal mental function and optimal memory, learning, and focus. Your ability to think, learn, and remember can be influenced by the amount of DHA in your cells. In a fetus and infant, DHA is critical for brain and vision development. DHA helps the brain's billions of cells transmit electrical signals, ultimately shaping your thoughts, actions, and mood. Brain-cell membranes that develop using trans fatty acid building blocks have a different structure and are less fluid than membranes built using DHA. This loss of fluidity makes it difficult for the brain cell to carry out its normal functions and increases the cell's susceptibility to injury and death.

Liquid vegetable oils are whipped with hydrogen to make a semisolid product, like vegetable shortening or margarine. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats are called trans fatty acids and these fats can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Over the years our dependency on fast and processed foods have increased leading to a high intake of omega-6 and not enough of omega-3 fatty acids. The average American diet contains about 14 to 25 times more omega-6 than omega-3. This imbalance in the essential fatty acids is believed to lead to many major ailments prevalent today. Experts advise getting a higher dose of omega 3 while limiting your intake of omega 6 fatty acids.

The general consensus from scientific research agrees that everyone should get more omega-3 in their diets. We, therefore, need to up our intake of omega 3. Omega-3 are abundantly present in fish like salmon, tuna, halibut and mackerel.

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid)...EPA helps in the synthesis of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, with benefits for cardiovascular and joint health.Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. EPA also plays a role in supporting the natural movement of joints.

Omega-6 oils can support heart health, but they can also provide negative health effects when consumed in excess. Omega-3 fatty acids support brain, heart, and joint health. Both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are liquid at room temperature.

Estimates from studies in Stone Age nutrition and modern-day hunter-gatherer populations suggest that humans have consumed a diet consisting of fish, meat, fruits, and vegetables for thousands of years. This diet was much lower in saturated fatty acids than our current diet and contained small amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, in a 2:1 ratio.

Supports the regulation of normal blood sugar. A few studies show that omega 3 supplements may be used as a proactive nutritional measure to support normal Glycemic levels.

Although there are no Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for omega 3s in the United States, Japan, England, and several European countries have set RDAs. The best scientific evidence says daily intake should be at least 600 milligrams.

Trawling and refrigeration have increased the popularity of white fish, like cod and haddock, over fatty shoreline fish like herring and sardines. White fish contains much lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Supports healthy skin, eyes and hair. Omega 3 supplements help to promote healthy skin, eyes, and hair.

The only way to get these essential nutrients is to increase your fish consumption or take omega-3 supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of every living cell in the human body.

Omega-3 supplements are available in gelatin capsules, a convenient delivery form. Omega-3 supplements, like Triple Strength Omega 3, are enteric-coated. The enteric-coating technology helps to avoid fishy after-burps often associated with regular omega-3 supplements since digestion takes place further down in the digestive tract. Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil ensures high purity levels and a high concentration of EPA and DHA, the two most famous omega 3. Look for high-quality omega-3 supplements to maximize the health benefits of omega 3 to your health!

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