How to Eat Healthy: Top 10 Tips For Healthy Eating and Natural Weight Loss

The saying "You are what you eat" or "Food is medicine" is so true.  You can literally cure your existing ailments by changing your food habits.  Here are our 10 tips for healthy eating.  furthermore,  by being mindful and implementing these tips, your body will naturally balance to your ideal weight, you will feel great and have a life free from pharmaceutical drugs.  Doesn't that sound great... so let's get started.

1.  Consume 80% of your calories before 5 pm.  So eat a good breakfast, snack, lunch, and snack again in between lunch and dinner.  You should consume the least amount of calories during dinner.

2.  Do not eat 3 hours before going to bed.  Eating right before going to bed is hard on your organs and digestive system, and you are not using up the calories so you will tend to gain weight if you have late evening eating habits.

3.  Consume animal products modestly and when you do, eat the healthiest natural version of the animal sources.  Example include grass fed organic meats, eggs from your local farmer, raw milk, etc.

4.  Try to include as many natural sources of plant food as possible:  fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, beans, and wholesome grains.

5.  Avoid packaged products.  They are filled with excess salt, additives, preservatives and lots of words that you cannot pronounce.

6.  Replacing one meal a day with a a healthy green juice or smoothie will do wonders for your energy and keep your weight in check while providing you with a maximum nutrients.  A great  example for juice recipe is kale, celery, cucumber, and an apple or carrot.

7.  Absolutely take out all sources of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from your diet.  That includes sodas, many packaged products, and commercial cereals.  There is no exception to this rule.

8.  Learn to experiment and try new things that you may not be familiar with.  Replace quinoa with rice, get into juicing if you have never juiced, pick up a vegetable that you are not familiar with and try it.  Open your mind to new experiences with health supportive food choices.

9.  Do not eat commercial fried foods.  Fried foods in general are bad for you but if you have to fry, do it at home.  Most restaurants and fast food places reuse their oils multiple times and you are literally eating the worst foods ever.

10.  Food allergies have become an epidemic.  The most common food allergies are gluten, dairy, nuts, corn, eggs, and food coloring.  Even if you don't have food allergies, your body can certainly use a break from some these allergies as they can be very taxing to your body.  For example, I notice that gluten effects my energy level so for the most part I avoid it. 

By not including gluten, i don't eat a lot of bread which is great for maintaining my weight and I feel much better without it.  Or you might be OK with dairy but avoid it if you have a cold or a respiratory infection as dairy is very mucus forming.  You can do a weekly or monthly detox by avoiding the above allergies and giving your body a natural boost.

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