Permanent Weight Loss - 2 Healthy Ways to Succeed

The best way to lose weight easily and healthily is slowly and gradually, because the body does not like any sudden changes. To sustain long term healthy weight loss, aim for losing a couple of pounds each week.

Many diets may help you to lose weight but as soon as they are finished, the weight starts to creep back on, and then a few months later you are back where you started, feeling very frustrated and de-motivated. The problem is, most diets are focused on short term goals and do nothing to educate us about the long term changes that need to be made to our diet and lifestyle to make weight loss permanent.

1. One of the most important things is to increase the amount of physical activity you do on a regular basis, which will help to burn calories, and tone and strengthen the body. This does not have to mean using expensive weight loss products, diet aids or spending hours in the gym, just simply walking for 20 minutes each week or joining a dance class will help you to get fitter and slimmer. If you have friends that like cycling, why not join their group? No matter what type of exercise you choose, it will help to burn calories and reduce excess fat.

Exercise helps to boost your metabolic rate, which determines at what rate your body burns calories and the higher it is, the more successful you will be in achieving permanent weight loss. Exercise helps to build muscle tissue in the body which in turn burns calories at a rate that is ten times higher than that of fat tissue.

2. Cut back on the amount of carbohydrates in your diet and reduce your intake of unhealthy fats. Increase the amount of foods in your diet that are high in fibre and low in fat, such as fruit and vegetables, also brown bread, pasta and rice as they will fill you up fast and are healthier for you.
To make the body use up its stores of fat reduce your calorie intake, this does not mean living on a diet of lettuce for months on end. Switch to skimmed milk instead of whole fat milk and if you must, use a sweetener instead of sugar in your tea or coffee. Fizzy drinks can be replaced with water or fruit juices and cutting down on alcohol as much as possible will help you to reduce calories as will eating slightly smaller portions.
Remember it is important to introduce changes gradually, and also to have realistic expectations. Making a number of small changes to your diet and lifestyle is the easiest way to shed pounds permanently. Eating one extra biscuit a day can lead to a 5 pound weight gain over the course of a year, so if you eat 1 less biscuit a day, you should lose 5 pounds!

So by reducing your calorie intake together with an increase in your physical activity, you can lose weight permanently and healthily.
Losing weight can improve your health, increase energy levels, reduce stress and is useful in preventing and reversing disease.

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